As a child growing up in 90s Ireland in Tir Connaill/Donegal, I was raised on the fringes of the conflict that went on in the North, never knowing it’s full effects and only seeing TV news or glancing at papers my father and mother were reading. On school trips we would rarely go into Derry and when we did, I noticed a slow down of the traffic. I soon realised we had reached the border, being checked by cameras on the road to be searched for bombs or guns. Being looked over by men in army gear and unfamiliar police uniforms.

As the years went by, adolescence beckoned with its insecurities, pimples and female fascinations. I found my peers and I were referred to as the “post-conflict generation”. A generation of peace and reconciliation, a term that would become a favourite of the Northern Executive.  A generation of change, prosperity and a new outlook in the North and South of Ireland. But surely the older generation were to know that the past would soon creep up and rear its ugly head again.  Unbeknownst to some of us was that the effect of partition was still looming over Read the rest of this entry